Our Vision

Achieve equity, advancement, and leadership for the women of Pediatric Hospital Medicine

Our Mission

ADVANCE PHM will promote equity and opportunities for women of diverse backgrounds in Hospital Medicine via strategic efforts to develop, empower, and sponsor established or emerging leaders and allies.

Our Values

  • Advocacy

  • Allyship

  • Collaboration

  • Data-Driven

  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

  • Leadership

Our Strategic Goals

To create a community of individuals who are skilled advocates that will help change policy at the local and national level to promote equity.

To collaborate with other organizations supporting the advancement of women in medicine.

To develop and collaborate with allies who are invested in advancing equity and providing opportunities for women in Hospital Medicine.

To embrace and promote women of diverse backgrounds and experiences.

To create a network for mentorship, coaching, and sponsorship for emerging and established women leaders in Hospital Medicine.

To conduct research and establish metrics to ensure best practices for equity and the advancement of women in Hospital Medicine.

To develop and elevate emerging and established women leaders in Hospital Medicine.

There is ample work to be done to assess the current state of women in PHM, identify the presence of inappropriate biases or inequities in the field, and to promote equity, opportunity, and advancement for women in PHM.

As a young specialty in which women are estimated to outnumber men 2:1 and that is still defining its culture, PHM is uniquely positioned to change the tide for current and future women in the field.


The History of Women in Pediatric Hospital Medicine

Over the past 20 years the specialty of pediatric hospital medicine (PHM) has grown and, in 2017, officially became a subspecialty of the American Board of Pediatrics.