
H. Barrett Fromme, MD, MHPE

University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

Chicago, IL

May 12, 2021

Currently I provide inpatient care to children at Comer Children’s Hospital, a tertiary care facility on the southside of Chicago. I am fortunate to work with and support families through the challenges of their child’s admission. Non-clinically, I am the Chief of Pediatric Hospital Medicine and the Associate Dean for Faculty Development in Medical Education. I also am Vice Chair for Faculty Development in Pediatrics, and through that role I have the privilege of overseeing Diversity & Inclusion efforts, as well as creating programs to support faculty in their professional development and work life integration.

My career passion has always been education, at all levels. I love thinking about how we teach and how we learn, especially how faculty can be better educators. My current interests are around how individual attendings can positively impact the learning climate to optimize learner development, which includes viewing things through lenses such as inclusivity, growth mindset, and wellness.

I would not be where I am without sponsorship and mentorship. Through senior mentors like Mary Ottolini, and my peer “Mentor By Text” crew, I have had people who would listen and help me make choices that propelled my career (or not make choices that would hinder it). Sponsors have been directly responsible for offering me opportunities that would have gone to someone else, and I honored every chance that was offered by doing my absolute best.

This is tough,… if I am going for a treat, I LOVE a well-made Shirley Temple. You can’t beat how classy you feel with that in hand. With a great dinner date, I go with a whiskey/Scotch neat.