Kayce Morton, DO, FAAP, SFHM
CoxHealth Hospital
Springfield, Missouri
May 19, 2021
I work in a community hospital, I have lead as the pediatric section chair in the past. I have family practice residents that rotate in our group. We also mentor medical students from Missouri University-Columbia, Southwest MO AHEC and PA/NP students. I helped start our sedation service that is now a shift daily for our hospital program. I am the VIP leader and we have participated in several projects in our institution. My latest QI project is a safe sleep QI project and upcoming PIRCH and EMO.
I have found a passion in bringing standardized evidence based medicine to our institution and helping keep our affiliated partners in the most up to date in pediatric care. I have also worked hard to bring awareness to the meaning of trauma informed care. As a pediatrician the premise of our training is to prevent illness and develop education and resources for family wellness, and innately trauma informed care focuses on what has happened and how we can build back the relationships to build resilient families and healthy adults.
I have had some amazing sponsors. When I was working in the lab I worked with a surgeon who sponsored me by encouraging me to apply for medical school when I was considering PA school, he wrote my recommendation letter. Then my first partner was a mentor to me and he started the hospitalist program I have had the honor to be a part of, he basically got the hospital to hire me and helped me find my way as my own inpatient physician. Doug Carlson was my next sponsor who asked me to present a case and help in a conference planning for the Midwest SHM conference. From there I he asked me to be on the peds committee whom I sat on the PHM planning committee for which was per the recommendation of Kris Rehm and Sandy Gage. From there I met Jen and Nancy whom without I would not be in this amazing group of women today and helping launch this premier gender equity group today. I have many women and groups that have been amazing mentors but I feel those three are likely most important.
My favorite drink is an apple jolly rancher, 2 parts apple crown mixed with one part cranberry juice(diet if cutting sugar)